Collection: Ullas Organic Incense

Organico Incense is enriched with natural essential oils to bring happiness, reduce stress and create a relaxed mood.

These incense sticks are created with care and skill that make each one simply matchless. Get the positive energy flowing for that feel good experience.

These incense sticks consist of organic resins sourced from various origins and infused with pure essential oils. Their essence encourages relaxation and meditation as part of daily rituals, imbuing the surroundings with a richly captivating fragrance. Crafted in adherence to ancient traditions, these blends follow the time-honoured practice of burning incense, inspired by Mayan and Inca civilizations.

  • Pure and 100%  natural
  • 100% hand crafted by house hold artisans (No Child Labour)
  • Made in India
  • Non toxic
  • Organic

Available in - Sandalwood, Rosemary, Arruda, Cinnamon, Copal, Frank Incense, Jasmine, Lavender, Myrrh, Palo Santo, Patchouli, Vanilla, White musk, White Sage, Citronella, Eucalyptus, Laurel, Nag Champa, Rose, Yagra

Ullas Organic Incense